Friday, December 19, 2008


All I have to say is I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!

The book is just a great page turner. Couldn't put it down. I got so ran down and sick because I stayed up so late reading this book.

The movie. I think I need to see it again. I was super critical of it. Comparing the book to the movie and critiquing the acting. I want to see it and just enjoy the story, not be a movie critic.

I have heard people say, "I'm not into vampires". This is not what you think it is. It's not sucking blood and bats.

I am taking my time reading the second book. I want it to last. I know I am getting the third book from my kids for Christmas. Can't wait! Then, sadly, I will be on the fourth book and the story will end. :(

It is listed under children's books. This is a bit embarrassing. It doesn't seem to matter to most women my age and older. I have talked to tons of ladies who have enjoyed reading about the Cullens and Bella.

The coolest thing is that I have a client from Forks. Forks is the town that the story takes place in. She was telling me all about it. When she goes back for the Fourth of July I may have to tag along for a personal tour.

Another good easy read. Enjoy!

xo M


Anonymous said...

Guess what? I finished book 2 and am now on number 3!! I bought it with a gift card I got for Christmas! The ending of book 2 is amazing so I couldn't stand it and rather than trying to track down book 3, I bought it. Katie has book 4 so I will have bought one out of the 4! If I get done ahead of you, you can have book 4 when I'm done! Can't wait to chat!!! Mis

The Park Family said... omma had read all the 4 books within 2 months!!! haha...